Cindy Novotny
Full Name
Cindy Novotny
Business Title
Managing Partner
Master Connections
Speaker Bio
Topic: The Art of Story Selling

As the founder of Master Connection Associates, Cindy Novotny is an icon in the hospitality and travel industry. She is a force to be reckoned with and brings a stage alive with energy and passion. Her energy, passion, and drive guarantee Cindy’s message will captivate each person in her audience. Her messages and popularity have no boundaries as she addresses groups across the world. Her charisma and humor combined with in-depth knowledge leaves the audience with reality-based skills and actionable items.

Having traveled 10 million miles, the term “road warrior” may have been coined about Cindy. She has worked with executives all over the world helping them adjust their focus, improve their teams, and enhance their service and delivery in all areas of sales.

Her second book “My Secret to Stamina” is in the final stages to be released this year.